contemporary artist

March 18 11 / day 76

March 18

Posted on by julian
In Progress

In Progress

Here’s a progress shot of the piece(s) I’m working on at the moment (you may have seen the one on the right if you follow my flickr rants). It’s become a habit of mine to post shots of artwork as it’s almost finished – it isn’t something I plan to do, it just happens.

I find if I constantly stop to take shots I lose the flow and often when I do take progress shots the process is painful and awkward. This means I usually only start to take shots as I’m winding down for the session. I never really considered how this effects the ‘wow’ factor of a piece, if indeed it does at all. I do like to share, and I know that some of you do like to see, so I do share. Probably not enough, though.

On Another note – it’s March 18th, I wish I hadn’t drunk so much last night.

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